Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Great Tips For Optimising Your Google+ Business Page


The local listings that Google shows in its search results has made considerable changes
Google has replaced the leading seven results with simply the 3 top results This makes getting your business displayed on the 1st page of Google more difficult and reinforces the fact that you need to work hard on completing your profile and regularly update it.
Here we have some tips to keep in mind when completing your Google+ business page
Create a Google+ profile and then add a business page. Google My Business handles your page through it's dashboard
Verify your business by having a card sent through the post. Through having your business verified you can add further information to your page. Failing to verify your business can result in it not to appear in Google results.
Make sure your business has not have numerous listings. These will harm your profile and rank in Google. Edit all duplicates.

Your Business Info

Ensure sure your NAP(Name Address Phone) is exactly the same across all your social media accounts and your website. Google looks on any errors as a harmful ranking problem. You are unable to use Post Box numbers for your business location on Google and you also are unable to use free phone phone numbers.
Google allows you to register your home address as your main business address and do this with several businesses.

Always Finish Your Information

Failure to completely fill out your business information will normally reduce your effectiveness in Google Adding lots of info to your profile is a positive step you should always complete, also add links to your website.
Geo-Tag every image you upload to google, this give positive signals about your location. Also remember to add alt descriptions to your images.
Hopefully this advice will start you off on the right foot. If you require more help and advice contact us a The advice given here will hopefully help you improve your Google+ profile and ranking. Contact Local SEO Edinburgh for more information.